Ever get dressed in preparation to go out and your plans get cancelled and you were so looking forward to going??? My guess is you feel my pain. Well, I was supposed to go to an event last week after work and I found out that the event had been sold out. News Flash! Don't assume you can wait until the day of to get tickets to an event especially when that event only costs $5!
Oh and before I forget, I must mention that the inspiration for this outfit came from Tavia over at Nine to Fly. She's in the DMV too - maybe one day I'll get to meet her. Her style is fabulous and I love what she does with color. Check out her blog for some great styling ideas.
So here is what I would have worn that evening. Lol!
Blazer: Calvin Klein (Thrifted) Shirt: Esprit Outlet Skirt: The Limited Outlet Shoes: Nine West (Ebay) Necklace: Banana Republic Outlet Watch: Invicta (Ebay) Bracelet/Ring: Old Navy Outlet |
Have you ever been all dressed up with nowhere to go? Did you just stay home or did you find something to do despite your cancelled plans?
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Until next time...Keep It Classy!
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